Personal Excellence
تو شاہیں ہے پرواز ہے کام تیرا۔
About The Course
This one-on-one program is designed for the youth and executives from Pakistan or abroad. If you have just entered the university life or mid-way through your career, and want to develop personal excellence, or hone the skills you already have, this program is for you.
Your identity will be kept confidential, unless you allow us to share your testimonials with your identity.
This program will offer twelve one-on-one 60-90 minutes sessions for in-depth discussions and exploration of your purpose, vision, values and will help you develop a strategic career and life-management plan with specific goals, objectives and key performance indicators.
Once you are done with the program, you can sign-up for coaching sessions, so that I can help you stay on track as an accountability partner.
Course Plan
1. Defining Purpose
Looking for the "Why" of your existence.
Aligning your purpose to the purpose of your creation.
Exploration of roles and relationships.
Discussing where you are in terms of relationships? Where you could be and what is the minimum acceptable performance?
Developing a vision
2. A value driven life
Exploration of your values.
Aligning your values with the values from the Quran and Sunnah
Exploration of the concept of Excellence, alignment with the Islamic perspectives of excellence
Taqwa and its fruits
3. Discovering Yourself
Using different personality inventories, finding about yourself, and those close to you.
Personality blind spots you should be careful with.
Communication strategies with those who matter.
4. Leveraging your strengths, mending weaknesses.
Using strength finding surveys, action planning on how to leverage them to exploit opportunities.
Working with the weaknesses, to mend them enough for mitigating threats.
5. Allocating resources
Allocation and discovering primary resources time, energy and money.
Skills, connections, networking.
6. Your personal excellence toolbox
Discussion on the science of charisma.
Developing listening as a skill
Building Rapport
7. Your life challenges
Using the force-field analysis, we will dissect each of your life's challenges and explore ways to deal with them.
8. Discovering your biases
Acting as a coach, I will ask specific questions, so that we can discover your thinking limitations and biases, which could create hurdles in your success.
9. Development of goals, objectives, and key performance indicators
Using what has already been discussed, in this session, we will develop your goals for each role, objectives, and define the milestones to see if you are working in the right direction.
10. Basics of Communication Skills
We will discuss how you can use your body language and voice for a greater impact
11. Emotional intelligence and emotional regulation
Discovering your problematic behaviors and attitudes, and development of an action plan to help you find ways to deal with your limiting behaviors and attitudes.
12. Review of the strategy and action plans
We will discuss whatever plans have been developed, actions taken and actions needed.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the 12 weeks, you will be able to:
Define your personal and professional purpose, aligning it with your core values and vision.
Integrate divine values and principles of excellence into your leadership approach.
Gain self-awareness through personality assessments and develop effective communication strategies.
Leverage your strengths and address weaknesses to optimize leadership potential.
Efficiently identify and allocate your resources such as time, energy, money and networking opportunities.
Exhibit personal excellence.
Analyze and overcome specific leadership challenges using force-field analysis.
Identify and mitigate personal biases that impact your decision-making.
Set and achieve strategic goals, objectives, and key performance indicators.
Enhance your communication through efficient use of body language and voice modulation.
Develop your emotional intelligence and strategies for emotional regulation.
Learning Investment
Individual One-on-One Sessions:
ٖPersonal Excellence "پرواز"
(Your identity will be kept confidential and will not be revealed in any marketing endeavour unless you specifically allow us to do so)
Duration: 3 months, 12 one-one sessions of 45-90 minutes, you should expect to spend about 2 hours/week on your own, working on the reflective assignments for discussion.
Standard Fee: Rs. 150,000 only
Discounted Fee for local clients living and working in Pakistan (20% Off): Rs. 120,000 only.
Group Sessions:
Physically or Online for groups of 3-5 (Can be arranged on request)
Duration: 12 sessions 45-90 minutes, you should expect to spend about 2 hours working on the reflective assignments for discussion.
Investment: Rs. 250,000 only.
Online Courses
Currently not being offered.
Onsite Courses (For Karachi Only)
Currently not being offered